There are five types of personal membership in the IFM: Certified Member, Member, Associate Member, Fellow, and Honorary Fellow.
Certified Member
A member is an individual who is or has been actively engaged in finance and has completed and passed all the requirements of the Certified Financial Management Professional (CFMP) qualification.
A member is an individual who is pursuing the CFMP certification and has professional and academic qualifications that allow them to practice as a financial management practitioner.
Associate Member
An associate member is an individual who is a student pursuing a bachelor’s degree in financial management or any business course with at least six units of finance subjects. Master and doctoral researchers (Ph.D. students) are also welcome to join as affiliate members.
A Fellow is an individual recognized by IFM who have made a truly significant contribution to IFM and its aims and objectives. A Fellow must be nominated by other members. The process of becoming a Fellow is managed by the Fellowship Committee.
Honorary Fellow
An honorary fellow is an individual recognized by the IFM to have rendered outstanding services to the aims of society or the finance community in general, due regard being paid to the fact that this is the highest honor the IFM can bestow. The Advisory Board and Board of Management choose an honorary fellow.